Why our Fundraising is Important

Your PTA dues and financial contributions support a host of programs that our children love and that make our school so special. In many instances, PTA funding is the only funding that these programs receive. Your support, in any amount, brings our favorite programs to life.

Your PTA contribution


Our creative teachers think constantly about how to make learning exciting and engaging for our kids. PTA is thrilled to subsidize these exceptional learning experiences like field trips, the outdoor classroom, and school assemblies.


We provide mini grants to teachers through Green Form requests for instructional materials that aren't covered in the FCPS budget. PTA also works with Belle View's administration to identify large ticket items that will benefit students for years to come. In the past, we have provided subscriptions, books, smart boards, technology, and even bicycle helmets.


Belle View's community includes students, teachers, staff, families, and our friends throughout the neighborhood. PTA sponsors events that bring our extended community together in fun and fellowship. Our goal is that these events may be free and that all may enjoy.

Learn more about our fundraising programs and how you can help.